Tracy Comer

Volunteer Experience

Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center, Woodbridge, VA

Patient Representative, April 2016 - April 2017

RAF Alconbury Medical Clinic, RAF Alconbury, UK

Red Cross Volunteer, October 2018 - November 2019

St. Louis Metropolitan Area Chapter of the Project Management Institute, St. Louis, MO

Military Liaison, January 2021-Present


SAS Advanced Programmer Certification (2020)

SAS Base Programmer Certification (2018)

Project Management Professional (2016)

American College of Healthcare Executives Fellow (2015)

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (2015)

PUblished articles

Stoddard, Douglas & Robinson, Andrew & Comer, Tracy & Meno, Jenifer & Welder, Matthew. (2016). A Surgical Business Composite Score for Army Medicine. Military Medicine. 181. 567-571. 10.7205/MILMED-D-14-00701.

Comer, Tracy A. "Practitioner Application: Lean Management and U.S. Public Hospital Performance: Results From a National Survey." Journal of Healthcare Management (2019): 379-380. Print.


University of North Carolina, Gillings School of Global Public Health, Chapel Hill, NC

Master of Science in Healthcare Administration, May 2012

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Bachelor of Science in Food Science, May 2005

Minor: Communications

Magna Cum Laude, Distinguished Military Graduate

Work Experience

Kennell and Associates, Inc - Falls Church, VA

Senior Analyst, September 2015 - Present

  • Executes project management duties for 3 projects worth over $1 million dollars in company revenue for both the Defense Health Agency and Veterans’ Affairs; manages tasks within Microsoft Project and meets weekly with stakeholders to ensure all milestones are met and everyone is satisfied

  • Demonstrates expert Microsoft PowerPoint to develop and excellent communications skills to present Military Health System data stipulations on behalf of the Defense Health Agency and the Veteran’s Health Agency

  • Prepares RVU (workload), encounter, referral, provider availability, appointment utilization, and network data in reports and dashboards for all echelons of Defense Health Agency leadership

  • Utilizes analytic and charting functions in Microsoft Excel to historically track metric performance and quickly identify outliers

  • Produces and analyzes datasets containing millions of records and merges various related datasets to develop comprehensive data tables using SAS

  • Organizes efforts to improve access to care reporting and tracking the transition of the Military Health System (MHS) to a new EHR (i.e. MHS Genesis)

  • Estimates financial impact of changes to TRICARE benefits, such as cardiac rehabilitation treatments and reproductive technology, based on population demographics, diagnosis history, and care consumption trends

  • Constructs cost estimates for administrative and policy changes to the TRICARE program and Veteran’s Affairs purchased care program

Office of the Army Surgeon General - Falls Church, VA

Health Systems Specialist, March 2012 - September 2015

  • Created pay-for-performance standards to distribute $7 million for inpatient satisfaction survey and surgical metric performance based on robust statistical analyses utilizing SPSS and SAS Enterprise Guide

  • Shaped Enterprise-level discussion on reorganization of surgical capabilities with surgical analytical products achieving $39 million in cost savings in one year

  • Presented quantitative and qualitative Inpatient Satisfaction data to senior leaders, influencing policy governing patient experience as well as programs to enhance and standardize postpartum care

  • Completed a lean six sigma project on surgical case turn over time that led to a 20% reduction in time between cases

  • Facilitated service line idea sharing forums with all echelons of leadership, from clinic administrators to regional healthcare leaders

  • Developed and maintained an access to care metric dashboard and developed action plans with clinic leaders to improve appointment availability for patients

Western Regional Medical Command (WRMC), Fort Huachuca, AZ and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA

Chief, Clinical Support Division, July 2008 - March 2012

  • Supervised six personnel and tracked and conducted training and outreach initiatives to improve access to care at assigned hospitals within WRMC, including 7 inpatient facilities and 4 ambulatory clinics.

  • Developed the division's budget each fiscal year and established strategic plans and goals within the Clinical Support Division and with the Clinical Operations Department as a whole.

  • Reviewed and authored recommendations for improvement in WRMC hospitals’ business plans, contributing to a 2% increase in overall patient satisfaction and satisfaction with access across WRMC

  • Led primary care clinics in identifying requirements for staffing and Information Technology to support Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) implementation over a three-year period

  • Collaborated with other division leaders as a steering group for clinics struggling to implement PCMH to ensure roadblocks, involving anything from facility, personnel, or budget issues to overall management concerns, were dealt with expeditiously

  • Monitored automated call distribution system scheduling over 108,000 appointments annually for over 19,000 beneficiaries in 20 specialty clinics

203rd Brigade Support Battalion, Ft. Benning, GA

Logistical Operations Officer, December 2005 - July 2008

  • Served as Assistant Support Operations Officer to meet logistical needs of the 3000 Soldiers assigned to a newly formed outpost

  • Commanded over 20 combat logistical patrols to deliver supplies, including bulk fuel, water, and maintenance parts to outlying units, while maintaining accountability of company’s 10 million dollars of equipment

  • Trained ten employees on combat-patrol-leading procedures to ensure safe execution of over 300 support missions; awarded the Bronze Star Medal for commitment to excellence in leadership and combat operations